

Finding a great read, 'tis not so easy

I'm a reader. I used to spend hours escaping from my life by reading, literally, whatever I could find. I've read everything from fiction, biographies, maps, instruction manuals and you name it. 

However, since the dawn of my children I have had precious little time to read. Because of this I have drastically altered my choices in reading material. <I also waste an extraordinary amount of time watching tv because it distracts without requiring too much of my noodle.>

And so, to the point. I have recently discovered a few titles that have rocked my world - in a good way. I don't want to write a book review here so I'll just give the basic point of each and be done. In short, if you are really serious if about thinking for yourself, these are books for you. If , however, you are content to go with the flow of so many that surround you then these books will be more disturbing than enlightening. 

This book helped me to understand why I was holding myself back from a relationship with God. He is NOT in control.

Pagan Christianity?: Exploring the Roots of Our Church Practices, George Barna and Frank Viola

What are we doing inside any church? A church is no more a building than my brother is a "skyscraper."

The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child, Robert W. Sears, MD

Forget the horrible crap that's in them.  Do they really work?

"Your body is not a lemon!"

It's a strange mix, to be sure. But I am better for reading the knowledge within these. 

These are at the top of my list for now. For a great work of fiction try anything by the author Charles Martin.

Happy Reading!

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