

VMA Trainwreck

There was precious little I enjoyed about the VMA's last night. Here is a list (in no particular order, obviously): Justin Timberlake (kinda), Bruno Mars(mildly), Katy Perry,  and last, but certainly not least, - the looks on the faces of the "celebrities" when the audience was shown.

During Miley Cyrus's "performance" (I use quotations to indicate that this is a loose interpretation of the word) she sadly shook her body about and attempted to sing a "hit" song of hers that was nominated at some point during the awards show. Then that creepy guy that sings about someone "wanting it" joined her and together they disgraced the stage for a few minutes more. Her tongue could have used a brushing and she appeared to be inebriated in some way (to be fair - many of the performers and presenters appeared that way, probably with good reason).

What's up with the bears by the way?! Trying to ruin stuffed animals for everyone are we?

Why did I watch you say? Well I was hoping to see Bruno Mars and Katy Perry. I was not dissapointed by the latter. The former performed a song called "Gorillla" that was mildly humorous and grossly inappropriate for youngsters. I lost count of the number of times I had to send my son out of the room. He pretty much was only allowed to watch the last performance as it was only one where nobody was talking about "doing it", "wanting it" or "sticking it" somewhere.

Thank goodness for Katy Perry. (much as I like her - never thought I'd say that)

Finally, I must comment on the looks frozen to the faces of the "celebrities" in the audience. Each and every time the audience was panned I was rewarded with the most horrified or confused looks I've ever seen on their faces. It got to where it was a game for us. We would rewind and pause the show to fully enjoy the shock and dismay.

I hope those gift bags really did have that extra $500 Justin promised - every person in the crowd deserved it!

There was plenty of other non-redeeming footage that I didn't comment on and actually fast forwarded through - I guess because it wasn't enough of a train wreck to watch at normal speed (plus I didn't know who they were). At one point we caught up to real time, because of all the fast forwarding, and watched Duck Dynasty until we saved up enough recorded time to be able to skip the boring parts (like the awards).

I really need to find better things to do with my time. I could blame this on Joey though... he's the one that said we should record it!

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